1000+ Bucket List Ideas

This post is 100% Human. This is my big bucket list of ideas. It says “1000+” I just haven’t organized them completely yet for publishing. It’s broken into 5 sections, which each have sub-sections.

Things I Can Do Right Now or Anytime


  1. Fast for 1 Month
  2. Do a Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse
  3. Stay awake for 24 hours
  4. Master the Wim Hof Method
  5. Spin a Basketball on My Finger
  6. Rope Swing Into Water
  7. Cliff dive
  8. Get to sub 201 lbs and sub 12% bf, resting heartrate sub 40bpm
  9. Climb to a TreeTop
  10. Get back into 50km/day ultramarathon shape
  11. Run a sub 9 minute mile
  12. Climb a Mountain
  13. Climb Mount Cheam
  14. Get to 1 set of 100 reps of standard pushups in sub 2 mins
  15. Learn to rollerblade
  16. Learn Parkour
  17. Hike Every Trail in the Chilliwack Area
  18. Do a Triathlon
  19. Do a Decathlon
  20. Learn Stunts
  21. Learn the Alexander Technique

Social Media

  1. Start a podcast variety show
  2. Start a Youtube Channel about expansion of mind, intellect, productivity, bodily and sensory experiments (This can be done with no money or prep, but has aspects that will eventually move it into those categories)
  3. Beat Every Classic Retro RPG on stream
  4. Make a whole youtube channel of my singing
  5. Get 1 million subscribers on some kind of social media
  6. Create a skyrim real estate channel on YT with a 1,000 video goal
  7. Create social media channels for displaying my skyrim Characters with 1,000 character goal
  8. Read every Skryim, or other game’s in-game books on a youtube channel, maybe even adding to them
  9. Do a sidequest channel in the vein of Kylesthenix


  1. Create 1,000 companies/business brands with at least outlines for each
  2. Publish 1,000 books
  3. Write my autobiography
  4. Write my manifesto
  5. Do NaNoWriMo
  6. Complete and publish 1 issue of one of my comic ideas
  7. Program and release an app game
  8. Build a net passive income of 20,000 GPB/month
  9. Read Every Holy Book to Music on Spotify
  10. Teach a class on anything
  11. Make a blog on restarting life from zero
  12. Auction off my last name for a year
  13. Turn myself into a company
  14. Write a million words for profit

Mental Skill Learning

  1. Master Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Mandarin
  2. Learn Knot Tying
  3. Hand start a fire and cook on it
  4. Start a fire without matches or a lighter
  5. Go foraging
  6. Go Through the Bene Gesserit Book
  7. Go through the Vulcan Mentat Book
  8. Go though the 100% Brain Course Book
  9. Go through the Lentation Book
  10. Make 1,000 Dollars Gold Panning
  11. Learn to Juggle
  12. Get my Rubix Cube time to sub 5 minutes
  13. Learn to write left handed
  14. Learn to whistle with 2 fingers
  15. Learn Meditation
  16. Relearn Piano
  17. Relearn Guitar
  18. Learn Tongue Drum
  19. Learn a solo Dance
  20. Learn a couples dance with Amber
  21. Get good at chess
  22. Learn Ambidexterity

Miscellaneous Fun/Crazy Stuff

  1. Be a street performer/busker
  2. Contact Someone With My Name
  3. Start a Country
  4. Receive a Fan Letter
  5. Be Presented with an award
  6. Police Ride Along
  7. Shoulder a Snake
  8. Write a thankyou note to a company that treated me well
  9. Create a Family Logo/Coat of Arms
  10. Watch a salmon run
  11. Enter an art exhibit
  12. Watch the sunrise and sunset in one day
  13. Make a font from my handwriting
  14. Fill the Pokedex on one file
  15. Watch the IMDB top 250
  16. Read 1,000 Classics
  17. Watch the Sun Rise from a Roof Top
  18. Be a dungeon master
  19. Watch and be inspired by all the Ted Talks
  20. Do a Mohawk for a Month
  21. Find a 4 leaf clover
  22. Do Urbex
  23. Do 24 Hours of Silence
  24. Unplug for a week
  25. Write 5 minutes of standup
  26. Donate blood
  27. Text 1,000 people wishing them a great day
  28. Coin a phrase
  29. Watch all the James Bond Movies
  30. Do a family costume for Halloween
  31. Do a couples costume for Halloween
  32. Create a Boardgame