
About Me/Us

I’m Brent Salmon; boy genius turned out of shape adult. Biologist and psych major. I always wanted to do a news site that was bare bones, partly because of my autistic rantings about inefficiency, but also because I love learning new things and sharing new ideas. The main site is NOT barebones, but it will mirror a barebones site eventually.

My writing partner is BrentAI. My AI simulacre that helps me with research, content production, and editing. He’s a mishmash of a number of tools and has ever increasing functionality.

Our Mission

To make a truly unbiased news site. We want to give you the pure facts so you can form your own opinion, and then add some of our own opinion at the end, well after you’ve had the chance to form your own. Then maybe you can comment and we can teach each other something, whether we vehemently agree, disagree, or meet halfway.

Our Vision

To bring to you these news bites as hopefully a one stop shop for news. Most of the content on here will be produced by BrentAI, but all of it will be overseen and fact-checked by MeatBrent.

How We Work

Scraping the news, citing sources, stripping out the crap and giving you the brass tacks.