The Fast Food Industry Already Has Some Automation

This article assisted by AI.


– Steve Ells, founder of Chipotle, has opened a new fast-casual venture called Kernel in Manhattan.

– Kernel uses robots for food preparation.

– Three employees are needed in the restaurant at any time, compared with a dozen for a typical fast-casual restaurant.

– Kernel’s founder has raised $36 million and plans to expand quickly in New York City.

– Robots in Kernel are used for tasks such as food dispensing and cooking.

– The use of robots in fast food is not a new concept; McDonald’s has been using automation for over 60 years to increase efficiency.

– Robots in the fast-food industry are currently used to assist humans, not fully replace them.

– Kernel’s menu includes a vegan fried-chicken sandwich, cucumber salad, and crispy potatoes among other sides.

Editorial: It’s a fluff piece on this restaurant, trying to get readers used to the idea of replacing workers with automation, because nobody wants to work slave labor for minimum wage at 3 part time jobs and still not be able to afford to live.